Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I don't want cake on my birthday?

I'm dieting trying to lose (I should say struggling) to lose my last 15 lbs, my birthday is coming up soon, I politely requested my family do not get me a cake (I'd rather be treated to a mani and pedi but I'm not going to make any demands), my mom says she's going to get one anyway (because no means yes ofcourse). Does this mean I'm obligated to eat it? Would I be rude if I still didn't eat it because I told her well ahead of time to not get me one? Thanks

What's the title of this movie?

I watched it when I was a kid and I can't remember what movie it was! Argh, all I can remember was that it was a 80s 70s kids movie... with a lot of magic... and there was this scene where a girl had her hair growing non stop and to help her her family started making paint brushes out of her hair or something. Anyone knows what I'm talking about??

Closeted teen... help with coming out?

Oh honey. This is so close to home for me. Except I do not have an at all accepting enviroment. The best advice I have ever gotten was that you will know when you are ready to come out to whom. I think your gay parents and your girl friend would be a great place to start. Email me if you ever need to. and good luck!!!

Is it a virgo trait to be insecure?

People are people. They aren't governed by traits as deemed by their months of birth. But yeah, I am a Virgo and insecure, I try not to brag but sometimes I do to feel better. But not to that degree.

Do you think the Saudi monarchy will last forever, or will it eventually be overthrown by the Gulf Arab people?

Democracy may be achieved, but it will take awhile. Saudi Arabia is a very strict country ruled by a strict monarchy. The Saudi government has used Islam and the Quran to justify the things they do and the things people aren't supposed to do (according to the ruling family that is). The fact is the Saudi government is not a very good one and may soon too, be overthrown.

How do i get fuller luscious lips?

I know that lipgloss with a plumper or something works, but is there anyother way to get fuller lips, my friend told my that when i brush my teeth i should brush my lips to so that they swell a little for a while. what else can i do?

Am I anorexic? How to tell my mom?

At 5'2 and 111 pounds you have the perfect weight. Ewwww! 95 pounds is NOT Pretty at 5'2. It is not a dream, unless you want to look like a science room skeleton. Yes, you do have anorexia.

Good men do finish last?

according to her, her ex husband was inconsiderate, lazy, uncaring, selfish, controlling and mentally abusive. She suffered molestation as a young girl by her mother's then boyfriend at the time aswell as by a bus driver. Her mother dealt with the situation. She and her mother were really close. Her mother passed away during her study for her master's. To this day she still morns her at's been a little more than 1.5 years since her divorce and about 9 years since her mother's passing. She and I have dated for 4 months and I have tried to be understanding and sensative. I did many little things for her to show that I care and am considerate. I made myself available to her whenever she needed me. when she was stressed, i gave her a spa day to get massaged, pedi and mani just to give her a chance to relax. when she was in a financial bind, i made myself available and helped her with her truck repairs. I was a gentleman the entire time we've dated. chivolry is something that I beleived in and something she initially appreciatd and I made sure to show her that I appreciate and care for her. I was a man of action and would rather let her see my affection rather than fill her head with empty and vain promises. During the four months we've struggled with communication, mainly it was me being me and her not understanding. Random acts of kindness she viewd as threatening or controlling. I deliverd flowers to her door step and she rebuked me for doing so. when she told me how she cant pay for truck repairs and etc, i showed up to her home to give her a blank check to help with repairs....she thanks me....only to rebuke me later. When i shared intimate conversation with her, expressing my feelings, ideas and thoughts, she twisted my words and meaning and would use personal pit falls in my life as ammunition against me when we argue (i.e. some years ago i crossed the friendship line w/ a best friend which went sour and ruined a good frienship...) But I was patient. I tried to be patient. I figured that if I give her real. treat her like a real man is suppose to treat a real woman, she would come around and realize that i'm not here to hurt her......the past two weeks she has been distant towards me, convo was strained and when i send a text letting her know i'm thinking of her and would like some kind of attention from her, she ignored or down played my request. last friday we had a long talk which I thought was great bc it ended in her asking for a kiss. I felt that we were making head way. the next dy we go to the movies and I then noticed her being distant again as if she didnt want to be there w/ me.....sunday i tried inquiring about what was wrong and making it obvious that i'm bothered by her distance....she snapped on me. told me how she is w/ a friend and for me to respect she has company and stop texting her. i left her alone. gave her space. I show up to the place that we work, to walk her to her truck, like i have in the past. it was almost 10pm at night and it was raining, heavily. She acted as if I wasnt even standing there. chatted w/ her co workers, never once acknowledging my presense....walked to her truck carrying her things and then shut the door in my face. i wanted to talk.....she obviously didnt. I sent her a text asking why is she treating me as if I did something wrong to her. her only reply was to stop texting me and leave me alone....this went on bc i demanded to know why. i wasnt just gonna sit and be treated like this and not know the reason. she never gave me a reason but began insulting me (by saying "something is wrong with you") and threatening "saying she called the police", all because i texted her "why are you acting like this?". i'm beyond confused and this feels like a dream/nightmare. i woke up this morning and confirmed that by reading her text again that this is very real. The funny thing is that people here at work and in the community bragged to me about how strong of a christian woman she is, how positive of a person she is, how great of a woman she would be for me....continuously....and you know what? I don't see it. Who I thought i've known the past 4 months and who this person was last night, are two totally different people....i gave her my heart. and in return she gave me her *** to kiss. and she acted as if she didnt care.

Is my older cousin acting insecure?

You said she comes from a not so good child hood, as in economically. She probably is just proud of herself for making it this far, and she wants you to be proud of her to, maybe say "I love you, but why do you need my compliments? I've very proud of you for everything you've done, but it's starting to come off as bragging" You could also do any other kind way of putting it, its your choice. Hope this helped, have a nice day <3

Any good hairsprays?

ok i am in need of hairspray any good cheap ones im thinking of doing a bumb pony tail and i need hairspray. and i need some help with make up and brushes im going to CVS and going for a beauty shopping spree so any good cheap make up

19 Years Old With SERIOUS Knee Problems?

You could have osteo condroma, which is what I have. Or maybe, you weren't wearing proper shoes with arch support when you bicycled and your arch slipped out of place. I didn't wear the right shoes and the beginning of cross country and i felt similar pain in my knees. I couldn't even walk. As soon as i got new shoes, the pain went away. but id talk to a doctor for professional consultation.

Considering multiverse is not testable, and like God is irrefutable?

How exactly can using it in response to seemingly "tuned" universe be considered scientifically rational. Are attitudes towards science perhaps becoming increasingly dogmatic?

My naturally wavy hair will not straighten?

I had your exact problem myself :O But then I asked a question like this & someone recommended John Frieda 3 day straight , it cost me 10 euro and I got it in my drugstore :) I used it and it's amazing ! Basically what you do is , after washing your hair , spray this in your hair , then dry it & straighten it & you'll notice the difference , it says it lasts 3 days without straightening , but I think mine looks best when I do straighten it. Hope I helped ! :)

Can I get a french tip manicure along with a pedicure?

Like can I get them together as a mani/pedi or do I have to pay for them separately since a french tip is not just a color change.

Name some Buddhist mantras?

"We are all much more than we know. We are all Buddha. But we live by illusions and only see through our senses. So we cannot know how much we are. No one can know himself; therefore people will live behind many masks, and call themselves by many names. When all that matters is the effect we have on others. Thus, even a monster may want to be kind, friendly and gentle. And what is more friendly than a puppy dog."

What are the pros and cons of the....?

i can help you with the hair straightener...a few months ago i bought the best straightener. Its called the presige pro, its tourmaline plate and goes all the way up to 450 degrees. The straighteners i had before it i thought were good but lol no i was wrong..this is so much takes half the time to straighten my hair and it leaves my hair super shiny and silky...three of my friends saw what it did to my hair and how soft and straight it was and they bought it too lol...Im sure you can find it online. I got mine from a href="" rel="nofollow" under the hair straightener section. Anyways good luck and ihope it works out for you in your new school semester :)

Electric powered golf cart very slow?

Really sounds like a loose ground wire. Check for hot cables which could indicate heavy draw. Depending on how hard you hit that pot-hole, you could have an alignment problem with a motor.

Need really really good suggestions to the best and loudest heavy metal songs.?

For some reason, I've been needing to listen to increasingly louder and harser music. I've found some metal songs but I have found them weak. For one, I've never listened to metal music because I found it too harsh but now I have found it far too weak. You have to recommend me some of the hardest and most outragous and most screaming blaring songs so you can please help me get this out of my system. Don't hold back in your suggestions instead try to push a little harder.

How to make really yellow teeth white fast. and at home?

my teeth are really yellow and i want them white. i brush everyday, usually twice a day, but its not helping

How to dye my hair red (not as red as arian grandes, but brighter than burgundy)with No bleach?

I dont want to bleach and i dont want to use manic panic. i want it permanent.not punk red, or stopsign red, but brighter than burgundy and noticable even in the normal light and lightbulbs and in a building. I DONT WANT TO BLEACH OR USE MANI PANIC I WANT PERMANENT!!!

Is my boyfriend violent or just weird?

Just ask yourself if this is what you want or the rest of your life.If he's making you cry all the time something is definitely wrong. He has problems that aren't normal and it's just a matter of time before he starts getting physical with you. I guess in a way he already is. Dump him and save yourself a lot of grief down the road.

Does jane mani mean the same thing as joo-ne man i in Farsi?

Does jane mani mean the same thing as joo-ne man i in Farsi,just different spellings?Also how are they both pronounced?

Can somebody help me with the translation from tunisian arabic to english please?

People in this conversation are using a very disrespectful vocabulary .Sorry a very disgusting conversation. Im shocked.

Getting rid of a cut in my mouth?

So I had my tonsils out a couple years ago, and now I have a cut on the edge of where one used to be. When I wake up in the morning it is swollen and it hurts to swallow/drink. If I open my mouth to wide or eat something salty or my younger brushes up against it it starts to hurt A LOT. What's going on/ what's a good way to get rid of this cut fast? I've had it for a week or a little longer

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is it really a shih tzu puppy?

I found an apricot colored puppy, that the owner claims is a maltese/shih tzu mix. He has an apple-shaped head, and is super tiny and mellow, but he sheds kind of a lot. These 2 breeds are said to not shed at all, so I wonder if it is those breeds. The owner said that the puppy is only shedding because it's summer, and they changed its food type, and it hasn't been brushed out yet. Could it really be a shih tzu? thanks!

3 Tamil Brahmin and Congress woes!!!!!Is that a ao-incidence?

Agree with u..An important thing is they are honest and uncorrupt. I have always been happy and proud of being a Tamil brahmin.

Did this girl find me attractive or was this a coincidence?

I was in the grocery store when I noticed this pretty girl looking at me. As soon as I noticed her looking at me, she cut down an isle real quickly. As she did this, she brushed up against the shelving and kept moving along.

I really like this guy but i think he has a girlfriend what should i do?

i have been seeing this guy off and on for the past few years. i think he may have a girlfriend he wont add me on Facebook..... know a tad childish to care but it kinda strikes me as odd. could this in fact be because he is seeing someone else? there is a girl who always has a photo of the two of them and i have a feeling they are more than friends and when i ask him he just brushes me off and tells me she is his ex and they are no longer together. but this kinda rubs me the wrong way. should i just go ask her? i no it could be an awkward thing to do,, it i have strong feelings about cheating and i could never do that to another women.. so what i'm asking is thoughts and a new prospective

Can feeding a horse grain make him crazy?

I agree with your friend. Sweet feed is not good for pleasure horses. Should be reserved for racehorses and polo ponies. It makes them to high, and can cause founder. I would put him on a pellet or at least a textured feed.Cut the sweet feed, keep the oil.

Black or white French tips on a french manicure?

I am going too get a manicure for the the very first time next week! I am really excited but I am debating on either too get black or white french tips. There have been some people I know who have gotten white tips and there tips and nails turned yellow gross! I wanted to let you guys know that I am fair skinned and recently dyed my hair a medium brown it used too be blonde.But at the same time I know a French Mani is great because it does not clash with your outfits. I just want too here every ones opinion on what they think would be the best color on me.

Divorce??? Really??? Why?

Im 28, in September my wife and I would have celebrated our 10th anniversary and we have one three year old son. My wife filed for divorce a month ago. When I was a teenager I occasionally viewed pornography, my wife and I got married at 18. Whille we we're dating she asked if I had ever watched it but I lied because I was ashamed and figured it wouldn't be a problem once we we're married. That was true for 4 years, but after a very emotional conversation about our sexual relationship where I expressed that I didn't feel close to her when we had sex anymore and that she seemed increasingly disinterested and she told me to grow up and get over it that its only sex, I again viewed pornography. I don't feel like it was an addiction it was very occasional a few times a year. I would always feel guilty and promise myself it wouldn't happen again. She asked me again if I had ever watch that and unfortunately I lied since I thought it would hurt her too much. A few months ago she started a new job, I senced a change in our relationship but wasn't sure what it was, after a month she tells me we can't have sex anymore and she doesn't think she'll ever want to with me. I told her I was willing to be patient while she figured things out. A month after that she tells me she thinks she might cheat on me and that she's never beeen happy with me, when she told me that I thought maybe we finally have some common ground and confessed that I had viewed pornography before and after our marriage but didnt want to ever again and I wanted to fix things. Her response was that that was cheating and she was going to divorce me. I found out later that on that day she went strait to another man who she is now in a relationship with. She swears they haven't had sex yet but says that its what she wants. How should I feel about this? Is this really all my fault like she claims? Im so scared about the effect this will have on my son.

Everytime I brush my teeth this happens ? I dont know why? Please answer?

Everytime I brush my teeth reeeeeally har to the point i bleed I get like maybe like a sore thingy on my gum. I woke up and my gum was hurting really bad nd i got up to look at it. Idk why but everytime i brush my teeth I get a sore somewhere in my mouth. Its starting to bug me alot kus it hurts sometimes. Idk could I be allergic to the plastic in my tooth brush? Should I get a new toothbrush and see if its cause of that? This is the first time this happens when I got that tooth brush so idk. i got it maybe 3-4 months ago. or more idk ima get a new one but any answers?

I never brushed my teeth when I was a kid?

Please don't give rude answers. I know it's gross. My parents never really forced me to brush my teeth when I was little. I've only started brushing 3 years ago when I turned 13. And even then, I haven't brushed properly until about last year. I went to the dentist, and he said that I have about 14 cavities. I hate my teeth. They are disgusting. I'm brushing almost 4 times a day now because I'm so worried people will notice. My teeth are yellowish.. I'm really ashamed. My teeth have been starting to hurt so much. My gums bleed whenever I brush my teeth, and I can't eat anything too cold or hot or my teeth will hurt like hell. I used to eat SO much candy when I was little. I am regretting it now. No one told me how to eat healthy or take care of myself. I'm really trying to change now, but I'm very worried about my teeth. They've been hurting so much lately. I feel like brushing and flossing isn't enough. What should I do? Is there any hope for my teeth? I know they'll be okay in appearance because my teeth are perfectly straight, and I'm planning on getting them whitened when I'm older.. but my teeth are really messed up. They hurt so much. Will the dentist be able to fix my teeth so they can be normal? I seriously have black holes in my teeth. I'm so worried..

What should i dress my brother up like tomorrow and the next day?

So my brother is letting me give him a "girly week". I get to do whatever i want with him(including clothes and stuff). He's gone shopping with me and gotten a mani-pedi with me today, we had a spa day at home(facials, pedicures, etc) yesterday, and we went to the beach in bikinis on Monday. What should we do tomorrow and the next day. Please include outfits!

Nausea with no other symptoms?

Go to your doctor, thats the only way you'll really know what's up. As for home remedies, someone told me mixing baking soda with water helped although I'm not sure. Just go to your doctor as soon as possible. If it was food poisoning you would have had vomited or had diarrhea.

I want a relationship with my Dad!?

If you have talked to your dad about your relationship with him and he ignores it, he probably doesn't care about you. I know that it might be hard to accept that, but that is kind of what it seems like. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to ignore him. It may seem mean and it might be a hard thing to do, but if he keeps ignoring your pleas for a better relationship, he's not worth your time. Sometimes, if you ignore people long enough, they eventually start to crave your attention and care and if he does, don't give it ti him. Make him suffer a little longer, you know. Give him a taste of his own medicine and show him what it feels like to be shunned by someone that's supposed to be important in their life. I hope that things will get better for you and your dad.

How to get my teeth more whiter?

i have braces and i brush my teeth alot and right after i brush them they are super white but after 30 mins they look kind of yellow even if idont eat anything? how do i get that to go away

Is it too late or...?

My grandfather smoked an ounce of Best nut brown a day and spent every night of hes long adult life pissed. He loved a fry up every sunday and ate pies sausages fish and chips etc.....He never exercised AT ALL.......and lived to be 84. My other grandfather never smoked, didn't touch the booze at all and lived quite a healthy life style. He didn't make it to 65. Its a lottery mate. Just enjoy your life and do what ever makes you happy.

My name is Deepi and my time of birth is 11.30A.M. and the place is Meerut , India and the person m interested?

The man's details are his name is Mani and his time of birth is 10.15 A.M. and place of birth is meerut, India...we have had a huge huge fight...and he has cut all ties with me....i went to meet him also but he didnt meet me. Now my question is that whether it is over or there is still some scope???pls pls guideme......pls i feel so helpless....:(

Fellow Mother's I need advice on 14 year old girl.?

I have a 14 year old step daughter I am only 22 myself so we don't have a big age difference between us. Her Dad tends to be a little strict when it comes to clothing for her. I just recently was able to talk him into letting me take her cute bra and underwear shopping (he allowed no thongs though). I remember being 14 and I wore thongs. So to my question he also didn't allow her to wear mini skirts until just recently when I took her and got some with built in shorts underneath. I was out and about shopping today and found some really cute strapless tops for her. I went ahead and bought them but now I'm thinking he might not approve. Fellow mothers is it ok for a 14 year old girl to wear a strapless top? She would either have a strapless bra underneath or her bathing suit (we leave for a 2 week trip to Florida in a week.)? I am also curious about whether or not I should take her with me to get a spray tan before we go? I get a spray tan every week and she has been getting more and more curious about it. I already take her to get a mani pedi every 2 weeks.

I am so beyond controlling and jealous.?

I think it's kinda sweet :p but stop worrying. Think about relaxing things whenever you get upset. Before getting mad at her next time count to 20 before saying something. Calm down & tell her how you feel(: she'll probably understand. Ask her to spend a little more time with you. You could also hang out with your friends when she hangs with hers. That'll help you stop worrying & you'll get some time to cool off(: try these things & see if they work!!

Best MAC foundation? help.?


Getting my nails done for Prom?? HELP!?

Gel nails look better, but when they break they're shot. Acrylic nails are cheaper and last longer, plus they're easier to repair.

Is this story good so far?

Well it depends on how developed your idea is and how much you planned out if you dont plan ahead your next chapter could be horrific. Also it depends on the audience you after and the type of story it is as well as the genre.

10 Points-Things to remember when going to the pool?

make sure to get rid of the hair around the bikini line for sure! Wear waterproof makeup if you're going to wear any at all.. Pack a hair tie and brush just in case. Extra sunscreen/tanning lotion. Make sure to take a chapstick with SPF 15 or higher so your lips don't burn and get cracked!

Do i have ocd? i'm not sure...?

Today Some girls in my class were talking about ocd and then when i walked over one of them said "Grace i think you have it" and they all agreed. I asked why and they said its because i always brush my hair and wash my hands and put hand sanitiser on. I don't think it is ocd but i'm not sure

Household objects for masturbating?

So I'm in middle school and recently started masturbating. So far I have been using lip gloss tubes and the handle of my hair brush. What else can I use? Please I can stick anything in there like once I used a water bottle. So what else though because I'm really going crazy!

(Guys only, please) Does he like me or am I blowing this way out of proportion?

Absolutely likes you! If he is touching or brushing you and asking you to come to what he is doing he is definitely interested. Ask him if would like to take you to a movie or for a milkshake or something and get started.

I'm a 24 year old virgin and still masturbates, is just stopping healthy? What's wrong with me?

Some people, guys included, just don't get girlfriends until they're near 30 yrs of age. I found mine at 29. You have a good idea of putting yourself fully into your college studies; it works with a career as well. As we get older, masturbation kinda falls to the wayside because we keep our minds involved in our job or hobby, things like that. I'm surprised you've kept your hands out of your pants these past months, but you might give it a **** now and then. Not masturbating won't cause any health problems other than having a strong desire now and then. I don't think there's anything 'wrong' with you; it sometimes happens and you're caught up in one of those 'happenings'.

What to do about my eye problem?

You need to go back to the optician. Its normal to have one eye weaker than the other. That can be seperate from a problem with the muscles of the eye. I have a problem with teh muscles on one of my eyes and this did get worse. When it started to bother me the optician included a prism in the lenses of my glasses which makes quite a bit of difference. I don't know if you have the same problem but its something that the optician should help you with. I was also referred to a specialist to have the issue checked on.l

How could i lose weight? 14 year old girl?

I am a 14 year old girl, and recently i have become increasingly frustrated about my weight. At 5' 8", I am 120 pounds, and though I realize my BMI is low, I still do not look skinny. Definitely I am bigger than my friends, and I have large thighs. Over the summer I would like to get flat abs, and I would like to get overall more toned. Any suggestions on how I could achieve my goal?

How do you make eyeshadow not fall down?

I tried putting on eyeshadow with this need brush I got and it falss down under my eyeliner line and its really annoying! like when i use my finger to put on the eyeshadow i dont have that problem, just when Im using the brush. Also, my eyeshadows have a bit of sparkle to it ive mized quite a few so now theyve all become sparkly loll!! Help?!

My long haired cat has terrible knots help!?

I have two long haired cats that I do groom. However, one has very thick dense hair and the kitty brush just doesn't get right in, underneath. My cat hates grooming for any length of time, and now yet again has belly knots. I will have to get him shaved again, but in the meantime, how can I prevent this? any suggestions on good cat brushes for extra long haired cats?

Nightmares Are Causing Me To Stop Sleeping...?

U are feeling acute insecurity, fear of failure, depression, frustration and no way to decide for ur future. Just dreaming of the given circumstances

How do you fake/escape from emotion?

I did something bad at school. I mean bad. The teachers dont know about this but I'm feeling increasingly guilty. My mom is very good at reading body language. In the past she found out something that happened nomatter how much I lied,. Is there anyway to completely hide from these bad feelings other than confessing what happened? this is a serious question. I dont want to hear about the so called RIGHT THING TO DO but I just want to be able to hide it so I dont get into serious s!@#t.

You do the fighting and i'll do the talking?

Cameron is just the latest in a long line of politicians who are happy to send troops (including Royal Navy and RAF) into action but aren't really interested in either their welfare of in ensuring they have all the means at their disposal to achieve their aims. I left the Royal Navy in 1993 after 23 years service and the situation was the same then. Reduce the manpower and ship strength but still expect the same tasks to be achieved. In 1986 I maintained two weapon systems, it was quite normal when the ship was alongside for a few weeks to have to strip parts from operational systems to hand as spares to a ship just sailing. The same happened in reverse just before my ship sailed to restore my systems to an operational state. The bean counters attitude was that if I had not used a spare part for a year then I wouldn't need it, so unknown to me spares would be returned to the depot to allow the overall number held by the RN stores organisation to be reduced. Not a lot of use when I need that item whilst in the middle of the Atlantic. One problem is that a large number of officers will toe the party line and not rock the boat because doing so will damage their career prospects. No wonder morale in the British armed services is so low, why fight and risk your life if you're facing redundancy?

Make-up and nail polish suggestions to go with a white/ivory dress?

Well, it really depends on your style. Me being kind of out there, I would paint my nails a nice bright red so it can pop from my simple white/ivory dress. Um...why not go nude....stand out from the other girls who have their nails done.

Relationship between saliva and starch in the bread?

Why is it if a person chew a piece of white bread, the taste of the bread will become increasingly sweet? Does that have anything to do with carbohydrate?

Pain inside my butt!!!?

I am a 16 yr old girl and i know this is disgusting but i dont know what to do. I feel like i have some kind of pimple or something in my butt on the side (like behind the butt cheek). It hurts when i sit down or when i sit on my butt the way you normally sit down. if i move my butt in a weird way it hurts a lot also. I asked my mom and she said she wasn't sure wat it was bc she'd have to look at it. but based on what i said she said it could be a hemorrhoid. so i looked it up online and i am still not sure what it could be. I have been constipated a lot lately, so thats why i think it might be a hemorrhoid. but ive been constipated before and this has never happend before. I woke up with it this morning and the pain is getting increasingly worse throughout the day. and thats why i think its a pimple but i dont know. also i have finals so i have been sitting down a lot. plz let me know what anybody thinks! much appreciated.

What should I do?...if anything at all.?

If hes getting married it would be a good idea to keep your feelings to yourself. If hes marrying this girl obviously she makes him happy and if you really cared about him you would want him to be happy. Most likely speaking your feelings isnt gonna do anything but complicate things

Christians, Muslims clash over new church in Egypt?

Exactly why the middle east is so F up today is because of these religions. Well, mainly due to the lack of freedom to information, rational, and skeptical thinking.

I did my general nursing from india,but now i m usa i have STNA and how i get rn license in usa oh?

i did my general nursing from india 3 yr and i have 1 yr clinical experience from india but now i m in usa ohio,i m green card holder will be citizen soon ,but i have stna license here now how i do my RN plz plz help me out i have no body for advice help me out and i also apply for cgfns here but after that whats the procedure cgfns is so long procedure m still under that now after cgfns what should i do how i can give nclex rn and when its possible after rn plz plz help me i m so g8 full to u who ans me plz do reply soon its mani,,,,,,,,,and can any bosy tell me that for my cozn after rn how she get bsn and how long they are plzplz

Monday, July 18, 2011

What is wrong with me and my anxiety?

I have OCD and social anxiety. I went through a period of time where I could not talk to anyone outside my family at all. I have come a long way and gotten out of some of my worse stages, but for whatever reason, I seem to be having a lot of issues lately. First, I randomly get extremely anxious out of no where for no apparent reason (I've always been able to identify what caused my anxiety in the past). I will just be doing something normal when I have a sudden panic attack. I also seem to be having anxiety over increasingly weird things; when I need to go "number 2," I get very anxious, and I never have had this issue before, and have not had an "accident" since I can remember. This does not go away until I start washing my hands after finishing my business. I also cannot sleep lately. About a month after things started going weird, I found it hard to get any sleep, and on the average night I will get about three hours of sleep. When I am active, I function as I did with full sleep, but whenever I start to relax, I feel exhausted. What is worse is that I am starting to feel disconnected from everybody. I don't feel I can relate to or even trust my family, and because of my social anxiety, I have no real friends. I am starting to feel extremely lonely. I think all of my problems seem to be some way related to my anxiety, but I can't think of what to do to fix anything. I am not on any medication. The last medicine I remember taking was the recommended dosage of ibuprofen about two months ago (can't remember what the dosage was, just that it was "recommended"). Please help!

Advice on who pays for what for bridesmaids...?

You know your friend's situations financially more or less. They've paid $200 (plus alterations, I'd assume) for a dress, plus what it will cost for this weekend getaway-there's another few hundred bucks at least. Being in weddings is costly, and you need to just keep in mind, that these women are ONLY doing this as a favor to you. None of this is for them. Be careful with how you spend their money.

Restitution of conjugal rights!!!?

When you have no desire to go to the home of your husband and sure that you will not get proper respect there, then you should be firm with your decision. If your husband has filed a petition for restitution of conjugal rights, you contest it. It seems that your husband has also not desire to cohabit with you. He is just trying to make his case for divorce in future. Similarly, he thinks that he would be able to avoid to give maintenance to you. Anyway, you contest the petition and convince the court that the offer of your husband is not bonafide. Even if decree is passed, it is not obligatory to abide by it. However, the spouse getting decree can claim divorce after one year if other spouse does not go to cohabit. Think over mutual divorce if there is no possibility of patch up.

If taxes increasingly punish the wealthy, why are the following two facts true?

Well, if you don't look at tax history, and just listen to Fox, it sure sounds like they are paying way too much.

Can someone else find out what scripts and brushes i am using on a image in gimp if i clear the EXIF data?

There are ways to recover it. That's how the NY Post photographer got caught for manipulating his Pulitzer photos.

Non-paying buyer on eBay. HELP!?

Had a friends designer dress for sale. Lady offered me �80 for it. I accepted. She pays using paypal and I send her the dress - the usual procedure. Few days later paypal reversed the money. This had never happened to me before, so I contacted her. She said she "thought" her paypal account had been closed due to her changing bank accounts. I was cool, didn't want any kind of dispute, so told her I'd give her a couple of weeks to sort it out. Two weeks later still nothing. Contacted her again. This time she wants to pay with online banking or cheque. I email her the details to write a cheque and which address to send it to. Ten (or so) days later no cheque. I contacted her again. She claims she sent the cheque almost a week ago. I send her another email requesting her to send another cheque. She didn't reply and I haven't heard a thing from her since. The whole time she's been playing games. I've been waiting 2 months now and it's increasingly becoming clear that she has no intention of paying, and possibly never had any intention in the first place. Paypal haven't done a thing to help - even though I provided them with all the necessary proof - and eBay just tell me to claim back my final value fee. They haven't even suspended her account! So, what's my next step? Should I just accept that every once in a while this is going to happen and move on. Or, well......what exactly? The Police? After all this is a premeditated theft tantamount to burglary. Right? Some advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Is this workplace harrassment?

I work overnight on a mental health unit. Recently, my manager use still photos from surveillance cameras mounted on the unit and laid them in the employee common area to highlight no-nos for employees. There were comments written such as 'badge not visible', 'no shoes on', 'not compliant with dress code', etc. One of my colleagues removed the photos and complained. I still to this day have not seen them since they were only visible to others while I was off 2 days. Noone has approached me from management to discuss the violations of policy. I am certainly not the only person who goes shoeless at night, or any of the other policy violations, but I find it interesting that they singled me out, seeing that there is a push to get rid of alot of the veteran staff in favor of new blood. There also appears to be an animosity toward me here by the new administration, I may have upstaged the new manager days before by de-escalating a group of clients in a situation that he lost control of. Of legal note: I work in Massachusetts, not sure what the laws here say about this. Also, the cameras are intended to protect staff and clients in the event of a restraint, but increasingly have been used to 'catch' staff in policy violations. The video feed goes to the main hospital; we are a satellite 60 miles away.

Anyone know where i can get an at home mani pedi kit?

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Swollen Gums with Braces?

I've had braces for several months now and noticed that my gums have gotten really swollen. I went to the dentist's office and they just said to brush better. Well, it's been a few weeks now and I've been using Crest Pro Health Mouthwash and toothpaste, yet the swelling has not decreased by any noticeable amount. They don't bleed when I brush, they seem normal other than the fact that they're a really bright pink and "squishy". My dentist didn't act as if it was something incredibly serious, they just said to brush better. I've been brushing three times a day, using warm salt water rinses and all of that, but to no avail. I just want to get rid of this! It's gross and I don't like it at all!

I need someknew fun homeade sex toy I ideas!!!?

So I am 12 I have done stuff with my boyfriend like mastrubation and the 69 sex position btw try it but I like to masturbate alone and I like reaching climax and I usually get in the tub spread my legs and have my vagina write under the focet and Run the water on high I have also used a electric tooth brush but I reall y don't like either???help??

Newly diagnosed adult with Aspergers. How can I make my sister understand?

She's going to need time, especially if you've exhibited a pattern of diagnosis-epiphanies-failure-diagnosis, etc. You, yourself shouldn't just think of yourself as having all of the answers with this diagnosis. With any condition comes residual effects- habits you've cultivated as a result of dealing with or not dealing with the condition. Its just been a week- a good week sure, but its ridiculous to expect a great change in every aspect of your life. Remember, not everything is black and white. There are many, many gray areas (and different shades of gray). Also, if Aspergers really is what you've had all along, that means that your sister has some APOLOGIZING to do that she may not be ready for. She also may not be ready to let go of her perceptions of you or the dynamic of your relationship with her being the normal one who's annoyed with or embarrassed of you. Maybe she feels like a jackazz. :) Give her a lot more time... months... maybe a year or more. Avoid trying to convince her verbally, just stay on the right track and allow her to see your improvement for herself. Also, be kind to her and remind her to be kind to you. Congratulations, I hope things are great for you from now on.

Kiss Nail Kit... Help!?

Me and my friend wanna do our nails rite? We don't wanna spend that much money at duh salon. Were only 12 so yea. But I was thinking If we can do our own nails. I saw this kit last time at Wal Greens And would like to know how much they last, and how many nails come in it and we want a good kit. One that comes with like the acrylic nail tips,glue,brush,etc. well all that. If you have seen this kit before and tryed it out please I would like to know how it went. And if you can leave the name of the kit you used. Thanks :]

What could my symptoms be? Passing out, headaches, left arm and legs are numb.?

my fiance had that, take birth control pills and it will clear right up... just dont take advantage of the pills /:|

What's the title of this movie?

I watched it when I was a kid and I can't remember what movie it was! Argh, all I can remember was that it was a 80s 70s kids movie... with a lot of magic... and there was this scene where a girl had her hair growing non stop and to help her her family started making paint brushes out of her hair or something. Anyone knows what I'm talking about??

Why does each government do nothing to stop the UK becoming just 12 separate regions of an EU Super State?

The simple answer is to stay in power the Tories have to have the support of the Lib Dems so all that he did say has gone out of the window. Thankyou Mr Glegg.

Are "fake" nails, aka acrylic nails cheap or attractive?

For my h.s. graduation I am getting a mani/pedi, But my my manicure I am considering getting french acrylic nails. Not too long though. Whatcha think.. cheap or attractive?

I keep getting cavities?

I think it's really awsome that you have only had two cavities and you're a teenager. Do you have a spin brush or an electric toothbrush? If not, get one. The spin brush is under $10 and does such a great job of cleaning your teeth. I noticed a big improvement when I started using it. Other than that, watch sugary treats and soda. Drink more water. I hope you're drinking milk and eating yogurt which are rich in calcium and help keep your teeth strong. Good Luck Sweetie.

Any suggestions for faster hair growth?

My hair is about 2 inches longer than shoulder length and i really want to get it at least 2 inches longer than that by the time i go back to school in mid august! does anyone have any suggestions so that i can get my hair to start growing a little faster?? so far ive been moisturizing and brushing and braiding it alot

How do you stop peeling your manicure?

Omg I do that toooooo! I always end up picking and peeling off my nail polish. Usually I just try to ignore it, or force myself not to pick at them.

What supports the claim: there are no humans or extraterrestrials (ET's) living on the far side of the moon?

The "Lunar recon orbiter" just finished mapping the lunar surface down to 10 square meters. Detailed enough to clearly show the boot prints of the apollo 17 crew. no footprints, or craft prints on farside.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Podiatrists and other foot specialists--please help.?

I have been doing research on problems that have developed over the years from my poor gait. What I'm finding is that it is common for knees to lean inward when pronation is present and to lean outward when supination is present. However, I tend to supinate excessively and to compensate my knees have twisted inward. When I stand with my feet straight ahead, my knees both point inward at almost a perfect 45-degree angle. This condition is causing knee pain and it is becoming increasingly more difficult to get into and out of a squat. I am 37 and overweight by about 40 pounds. I'm trying to lose weight but am very frustrated because, due to my knee pain, I'm finding it difficult to exercise. Are there particular exercises or orthopedics that can be recommended to help correct my gait and return my knees to their proper position?

I am Commerce Graduate & i completed ADSC from Aptech computer Education. I want to do the MCA.The Sikkim Mani?

I am Commerce Graduate & i completed ADSC from Aptech computer Education. I want to do the MCA.The Sikkim Manipal University gives me Lateral Chance. They said you can give direct 2nd sem. Is it create problem for me to get a job? Please Help.....

Have you ever made a kid cry?

Yes. I accidentally make kids cry a lot. They're really sensitive and its so easy to. You have to watch everything you say and do around them.

How can I make this manuscript section better?

This is pretty frustrating. I did a detailed critique of your first two paragraphs, but when I try to post my answer, I'm getting Yahoo's silly "Oops" message, then "Yahoo Answers is currently unavailable." I can post answers to other questions, though, so obviously it's a glitch. I'll hang on to my answer and try later.

How much is it to do my nails?

I live in delaware, ohio and gel nails are about 35 for a full set. for a balance they are a little more than 20.. but no more than 25. a pedicure is 20. and a mani and pedi together, depending on the salon and their deals it is 35 here or up t0 40.

What color should I paint my nails for graduation?

I'm getting a mani/pedi before graduation. I need to know what colors would look good. I'm gonna wear a white dress with silver/beige heels. Should I stick to neutral colors or colorful?

Mani and pedi' for a man?

some friends and I were debating about this. I thought it to be well.....a feminine for a man to get a mani and pedi.....and clear nail polish??????? apparently it's a thing for guys to get this done and women are attracted to it???? what happend to women being attracted to a man just being a man? anyway, ladies what do you thnk of a guy who gets his nails and feet done.....and the clear nail polish??? Now i'm a guy who beleives in washing my hands and clipping my own nails and feet.....but mani and pedi's are a bit much. do you agree?

Borderline personality disorder treatment and support?

I am currently undiagnosed, but 100% positive i have a borderline personality disorder, the low functioning kind at that. Im only 19 and im getting increasingly worse, its pretty much debilitating in almost every aspect of my life. i cant keep a job, i cant maintain any friendships or relationships and im alienating my family. i can recognize my symptoms after the fact, but im not sure how to seek help or correct them myself. i live in a relatively small city and there isn't many options for psychiatric help, even if they were i couldn't financially afford to take advantage of such services. iv been reading as much as i can about this disorder but im finding very little useful information. id like to know from other people suffering with this what has helped, what techniques i might be able to try, or where i can find some affordable help or support. i feel like im out of control, alone and im not sure how much longer i can live like this. whats most frustrating is that i can tell when im being irrational or crazy but i cant help it, i cant seem to change my self or my behavior and reactions to situations that come along with everyday living

What's something I can do to change my hair up?

I think you should either dye your hair red. Not tomato red, but a nice dark blood red. It would look really good. :3

I love/hate seeing my friends get older?

After you start to see your friends get married and become momm's and daddy's it really hits you hard. Life moves far too quickly and although I am so happy that life is really starting to take shape for them I am saddened by the ever increasing distances between me and my old friends. Not to mention I am becoming increasingly aware of my own shortcoming looking at them as I am currently unemployed, single, and have no kids. Uuuh life bites sometimes.

The other day my hubby qot n2 sum brush in the backkyardd &&now he has small bumps that resemble pimple?

they cannot be pimples thouqhh they have yellow puss in em they're excessivee they itch &&they r painful he's 27 &&has NEVER had acne what could this be??

Why do my braces hurt a lot?

I got braces yesterday, as soon as I got them, they were no pain. As night came a long they started hurting more and more. Now I cannot chew or eat anything hard. It is also very hard to brush. How long will the pain stay and why? Thanks!

Are you fine with watching gory/excessively violent films?

Those gory films are the products of today's media propaganda and dehumanization against youths. They're not good for your mental health, the more you feel familiar with those things the more your unconscious mental state is degenerated. You will become more aggressive, less merciful, less sensitive, etc

I don't think my father receives enough emotional support from his fiancee...?

your dad kinda seems to be a bit of a pushover & is having trouble standing up to her. & she obviously doesn't respect him!!! if he is more stern with her it will probably take her by surprise & most likely help a lot..he doesn't defend himself & she takes advantage of that & doesn't treat him with respect..once people start defending themselves others will begin to respect them

Why do people think that girls not interested in appearences are lesbian?

I find it amusing in some cases. I love literature, and I adore history. But I can out 'brand name' all my straight friends. I'm far more into high fashion than them. But hey, I can't be a lesbian if I like high heels... :)

Pain after Internal Bleaching?

Two days ago, I got my front tooth internally bleached (it has been root canalled already). There was no pain during the procedure, but about 20 minutes after, I got a pulsating pain coming from inside the tooth. I took a few Ibproufens and that did help a bit. Now, the tooth is tender to touch, and strangely it only hurts when I excersize, and brush my teeth, or when i'm trying to fall asleep. Please help.

Is this strange at all.......?

i have this female friend since my break up with my ex i have started to get a liking for since she is more type of girl buy the day i realize it. am not obvious mates with her i just know her well so one time i am out with her she stands next to me so close if i moved too turn i would knock her with my elbow. but the embarrassing thing is since i am not a virgin i've had sex done a lot of stuff but why in the world would i get a semi just for her standing so close too me every time she would brush me with her knee i know i like her but i can't like her that much.

Okay, this may sound mad, but does someone i know have a crush on me or something?

Oh yeah, she likes you...a......LOT. If you don't like her, then tell her that you already like somebody.

I cut the inside of my mouth with my toothbrush last week and still hasn't healed?

Last week (maybe about 6 days ago) I was brushing my teeth as normal and I guess I went a little rough and the brush slipped from my teeth to the side of my mouth and cut it a bit but it wasn't bleeding. I just rinsed my mouth and went to bed thinking that it would heal in a day or two. And all these days have passed and it is STILL there and it hurts and stings when I eat or drink. I can't see the cut because it is on the very side and down of my mouth. Why hasn't it healed yet, its just a little cut, has it got something to do with saliva? Also should I get it checked with the doctor/dentist.

Romanian Tourist Visa?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Mani/pedis for my little sister!!?

instead of just regular color you could do a little design on the nails. It is actually really easy, you just use a toothpick and dip it in a different color and just draw on the nail. Then she would have something cool to show off.

What's the diffrence between islam and judaism?

im muslim in my hearrt i guess coz i believe jesus & muhammad was prophetts, but would it be haraam if i celebreated hanukah, listened to hebrew musicc, and read the torah (to brush up on my hebrew)? Which language is more beautiful in ur opinion hebrew or arabic and why?

Skin care routine help??!?

Put Clean& Clear acne spot treatment 3 times a day on the spots that you can't clear. It really works.

Could i use sally hansens brush on hair removal on my pubic area?

i just bough some yesterday and i was wondering if i could use it all over down there if im really careful. i know i cant get any inside of me because it would burn like hell, but i want to try it because shaving is just terrible for me and im afraid to get a wax. i would like to get one but im only 16 and would feel very uncomfortable to get one. :/ have any of you tried using this "down there" and how long should i keep it on for?

My AEG power drill seems to spark excessively at high RPM. Why does it do this and how can i fix it?

The drill barely sparks until the trigger is pushed just over three quaters of the way. after that point, excessive sparks seem to fly around the armature where the brushes are. Any ideas as to why it would be doing this and how i can fix it would be appreciated.

About my marriage and carrier?

hi my name is Mani's and my date of birth is 14 dec 1986 at 7:00 am i m study in MA i m always worried about my life and carrier i wish to know shall i go for love marriage or arrange and it will be good or not i also want to know about my life partner

What supports the claim: there are no humans or extraterrestrials (ET's) living on the far side of the moon?

The evidence is that it is not required to prove that there is NOT human or extraterrestrials on the dark side of the moon, it is that it is required to prove that IS human or extraterrestrials on the dark side of the moon.

What does "tombola" mean in English?

I like the song by Mani Chao called "l vida Tombola" with Maradona. But what does tombola mean?

Nail polish for my boyfriend?

My BF got me a mani-pedi package at a local spa for my birthday and for fun I got him to come too. They buffed his fingernails but did his toenails to match mine – sort of a coral pink shade. I loved it and he actually kinda dug it too. I’ve made him keep his toes painted since (it was last weekend) and I’m thinking this summer I’d like to have him wear toenail polish regularly. I’d like to know if other couples do this. What shades do you use on your BF/husband? What kind of sandals does he wear? (I wear Dr Scholl’s all the time in summer and I’m thinking of getting him a pair.) How do friends/family react? Should I keep his toes painted all the time or just for special occasions?

My yearling (horse) bites and kicks!?

Your yearling sounds exactly like mine did. He is a rescue and had very bad manners. It was to the point that we could not even go into the pasture. One time he reared up and came down on my husbands shoulders and nearly killed him. In January one of my horses coliced. When the vet came out to see him, Rocket was up to his old trick. He was really showing out. So when he took my colicky horse to his hospital, I sent Rocket along too thinking that gelding him would do the trick. WRONG! So I went to my local coop and ask this lady that worked there if she knew of someone who could take him and teach him some manners that wouldn't break me. That afternoon a young man called and told me that not only was he a trainer, but also a farrier. Rocket's feet looked horrible and he refused to stand for the farrier. So I let this young man take him to his farm for three weeks. He worked with him every day and when he brought him home, I thought it was someone else's horse. He is now very calm, stands for the farrier, no longer bites or kicks. I have had a life-long affiliation with horses, but to this day I don't know how to get them to behave, at least with situations such as this one. I strongly suggest you find someoone who has experience with yearlings and send him for some lessons in good manners. Believe me, you will never be sorry for doing this, you will be very thankful. Best Of luck to you

2 week old...cluster feeding?!?!?

Definitely a growth spurt. :) It is very exhausting I know but it should end in just a few more days. That also happened to my daughter with the eye thing. It cleared up on its own but you could give the doc a call in the morning just to be sure. Just keep feeding him when he is hungry and it will possibly stretch out further at night.

How do you deal with people who show off & seek compliments? Why do they do this?

I wouldnt do anything really, probably just ignore the person. Some people are like that. Don't give them unnecessary compliments.

What ethical issues can be found in this scenario?

My son is exempt from an shots containing a "live" virus, he became very ill after receiving the chicken pox vaccination....So I can see where it is scary to vaccinate, and scary not to vaccinate. My son has also been diagnosed with Autism, which has been linked to certain vaccinations. I do believe the risks involved in receiving shots is not as open as they should be, your told its the law to get in school you must have them. It a very complex question that you ask, if i did not go through what i have with my son, i would be biased to making people get the shots, because of the lack of knowledge I had towards negative effects of immunization. The government lets you know little of this, and are not responsible if something goes wrong...but they make you do this.

I'm going to get a mani/pedi today for the first time, how much do I tip?

The only other time I had one was as a wedding gift from the person who did it, so I have no idea how much is proper. I'm using a groupon for it, but I know you're supposed to tip for the full amount, I just don't know how to determine the tip. Is it 15% like a restaurant?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

My retainer hurts so bad?? (20 characters)?

So I got my braces of yesterday and they gave me a retainer. I wore it almost all day yesterday (they didn't give me instructions they just said wear it) I only took it off when I ate and brushed teeth and talked, so I left it in while I slept. Thi morning I woke up with a horrible pain in my mouth and when I took the retainer out it stopped. I really don't want to put it back in now. Why did it hurt so bad today but not yesterday??

What would happen if Egypt cancel peace treaty with Israel?

Following the Arab uprising and the fall of Mubarak regime, many egyptians are increasingly demanding thier government to cancel the peace treaty with Israel. What would be the consequences of such decision for Egypt? For Israel?

How do I stop my recently nippy dog?

I have a Beagle- Australian Shepard mix, who has what can best be identified as little-man syndrome. She is EXTREMELY obnoxious about strangers in the house, even if these "strangers" she's met a million times before. She is terrified of children, having had a lot of bad experiences with being kicked and abused, and this causes her to growl at them and not let them come near her. Recently, a next door neighbor came over that she knows well enough, and she nipped him in the back of the leg. Probably a week later, a small girl came over when I wasn't home, and she nipped the poor girl in the hand. Just now, a close friend of mine came over, who tried to reach out and pet her, and though she has also known him for some time, tried to nip him as well. I'm at my wits end, with my mom telling me I need to get rid of her, but I know with her attitude towards strangers she would not be able to be adopted. I should also add that she has been socialized since I first held her in my arms, and used to be able to just fall asleep in anyone's lap, even if she had just met them. She is also an alpha, and since living with my mom, who owns 2 black labs, has become increasingly stressed out. We are know giving them to better homes, because I am about to have a baby, and as they are sweet dogs, we don't have the time or patience to properly train them. The best thing for them is a new home, but for Lexi, the dog in question, I know in my heart that is not the case. PLEASE HELP!!!!

How do I get a girl who is crazy in love with me to stop loving me.?

Literally crazy in love with me, this girl will not stop liking me, no matter what I do. I really want her off my back because my friend who she was crazy in love with before lost a girlfriend because of her, and I dont want her getting in the way of my relationships with other girls. She never gives me space, she constantly tries to lean or lay on me, but I only let my closest girlfriends do that. She is even testing my mom and asking what I am doing. She constantly texts me, maybe not every minute, but like twice a day at the least. She dates other guys to try to make me jealous, obviously with no success, and it makes me feel bad for the dudes who get pulled into it. And it seems that everything I do, wether it is saying hi back to her or just brushing up against her shoulder, she gets filled with crazy love for me again and she thinks I like her back to, which I don't. My friend even told me (she goes to my church) that whenever I'm in the gym playin soccer, she just stands there in the window watching me. This girl just doesn't get the point, and I really want her off my back, any advice?

Products For a High PonyTail On Thick Wavy/Curly Hair?

Use mousse! that will help and its not as sticky! I use aussie mousse in my curly hair and it works great! also, you should use a wide paddle brush to brush your hair

Are my husband and I being selfish?

My husband and I got married back in 2009 and didn't tell anyone. So anyway we were going to renew our vows in front of all our family and friends, but due to the extreme drama with my family and the lack of happiness in his family we are finding it increasingly hard to include them in our wedding plans. We are very happy and this is an exciting event we'd like to have and so we are considering once again it just being us in Hawaii or somewhere beautiful reading our vows to each other. Is that selfish or are we right to want to treasure these peaceful moments together? I love my family, but in between the bickering and petty lying I am relieved to have my husband and our relationship in such peacefulness.

Counter strike source server add public skins?

I am running Sourcemod, but if i have to i can run mani-admin-plugin to be able to use these skins. I run a CS:S jailbreak server and i want to add some public skins for ct's and T's. Can someone explain to me how i do this, and the skins will work for everyone? Thanks!

How do i save moneyy, when i was really rich?

ok so here's the situation, i was really really rich, i would wear alll brand stuff like PINK, my undies are ONLY from victoria's secret, G by Guess, Guess, Abercrombie, Hollister, american eagle, delia's, forever 21, juicy couture, and my perfumes are from VS, juicy couture, flowerbomb, gucci and banana republic, i never go to walmart for clothes or any of the departmen store. and i have A LOTT OF clothes, i get mani pedi EVERY single week, my own hair stylist and fashion style that pick my clothes together and i'm not joking about this. and im always the one that pay for my friend's tickets to movies or food and stuff liek taht cuz i want to. so u guys prb have the idea of how rich i really am. but now my family is broke :( and we have to move out from a big house to a small townhouse with only 2 garage. and my parents told me to save money but i don't how to!! i'm 13 and i always still think that i'm rich even though i'm not anymore. so HOW CAN I STOP MYSELF ON WASTING MONEY!!! AND WHERE SHOULD I BUY MY CLOTHES IF I CAN'T GO TO THOSE EXPENSIVE STORE ANYMORE??? HELPP!

Mall adicters "HELP" !!!?

Whaf do you do when you go to the mall... like mani-pedi's go for a hair cut ... (not only beauty stuff)

Mays to keep a mani-pedi on longer?

I just got a manipedi today and I want to wear it to a barmitsfa on sat how to keep it from chipping?

My gf is jealous of my dog.. who is in the wrong, me or her?

I've been with gf for almost a yr now and I love her more than anyone I've been with yet my dog seems to be an issue in all our problems. I will admit to spoiling my dog, I don't go overboard with the mani/pedi **** but she is on my mind when I'm away and the first thing I want to see when I get home. My gf is extremely jealous of the attention I give my dog over her. My dog is 7, there's no changing how I treat her and the love I give to her. What do I do about the jealous gf? Should she just accept me for who I am or is this my problem?

What non-canonical "gospels" are there besides those listed below?

These aren't gnostic gospels but have been used by church's. The Lost books of the Bible & The Forgotten books of Eden.

Birthday Gift Ideas for my mom's 53rd birthday?

A spa day sounds really nice. She would probably like that. But you know your mom better than we all do, so just go from there.

What should I get for my mom?

As you all know, Mother's Day is coming up. The other day my mom told me what she wants, a pedi and mani gift card, a type of jewelry, and a diamond enlargement for her wedding ring and maybe an iPhone 4g. So I know what I am for sure getting her, Gift Card, and Earrings. Another thing also but I don't know what. So what I am asking is what should I get her as an additional thing? Along with the gift card and earrings. My other question is, if I do decide to get her one more thing, should I get her an iPhone or a ring enlargement? Please help me and soon.

TV Brightness Issues?

sounds like you have a micro crack in the circuit board as the TV heats up the micro crack expands and the circuit is broken causing whatever resistor or capacitor to be out of circuit then as it cools the circuit contracts and contact is made again..soldering in the right spot may solve the problem temporarily but in time the crack will develop again....

What nail color will go with an entire summer wardrobe?

I'm going on a three week trip and will have a lot of neutrals (browns, tans, blues, blacks, white/ivory), but also pops of color (purple, deep orange, prints, yellows, etc.) in my wardrobe. I am planning on getting a gel mani/pedi and I want to get a color that is on trend but won't clash with most colors. Thanks! If you have a particular brand and shade in mind, please share so I can look it up online.

{GIRLS}: What can a guy do to make himself more attractive?

Learn guitar. You've got to be good at it though, takes some dedication. Just stumbling through stairway to heaven or basic chording is not impressive, unless you have the voice and songwriting skills to go with it.

How can I make my nails grow faster?

i don't want to go out and buy anything to make them grow faster, so if you can give me some ideas on how to and i don't want to go out and get a mani but i really want some long nails please and thank you! :)

I want to change my address on lic policy?

If your agent or DO is not helping,send a mail to the Branch Manager or send a registered letter to BM and keep the acknowledgment with you that will help you in future if the address is change.In that case you can report to the higher authority.

Are shellac mani's worth it?

i love getting my nails done but when i get a mani they are always ruined that day. im a busy active mom. i do a lot of house work so they always chip. my pedi last a while so thats not a worry. i was lookin into the shellac but wanted some input

Since McD's "now hiring" can I go back?

Many of your actions were not appropriate for a work environment, especially one which deals with the public. I wouldn't hire you back.

Swollen tonsil on right side for 3 weeks...?

I got tonsilitis from my friend 3 weeks ago and at first just swollen tonsils and everytime I swollowing I got pain but I just manage it with painkillers but it started to get better but from about monday now my right tonsil has gotten increasingly painful, everytime I swallow I get so much pain and pain in my ear aswell, I take painkillers but only helps for a couple of hours and still a little bit remaining pain and I can feel alot of pressure on my ear drum. My tonsil is so swollen that its pushing up the hanging thing at the back of throat because takes up the whole of my right side of the throat. There is also yellow spots on it. I have made a doctors appointment but is not untill next Wednesday afternoon and I'm struggling to cope with the pain and cannot relax because I have a 7 month old to look after... but I want to know is this normal? and anything I can do to help reduce that? Thanks

How to subdue a cat for brushing?

i have a long hair that will NOT let me brush him. He's getting bad matts and an "issue near the tail", and i can't afford the bill for a pro to do it.

Olive oil to clean makeup brushes?

most deep-cleaning of makeup brush techniques require extra virgin olive oil. i found some in the cupboard, but it smells sort of funny and is expired. my dad told me not to cook with it, but is it still okay to use to clean my makeup brushes? if not, what can i use as a substitute? also, is there anything i can substitute for baby shampoo? thanks!

Liquid lacquer for paper?

I'm having a really hard time looking for liquid lacquer/varnish for paper. I make origami jewelry for my friends and I really don't like using my clear nail polish for the paper because I want to use the nail polish for my nails. I prefer a varnish that can be brushed onto the paper. When dry, I'd prefer a high-gloss finish and strength... like if its an origami star it won't flatten out if it were crushed. The results I just mentioned are the results of clear nail polish. I already know about Modge-Podge but I'm kind of reluctant to use it because it's targeted at decoupage work.

Is it a cancore sore or wisdom teeth?

I'm 21 and the left side of my mouth hurts really bad back behind all my teeth...the gum from what I see is a bit red and sensitive when I brush and feels different then normal when I touch it with my tongue. It's only been a day, but the pain is killing me. I have swished with both warm salt water and the mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water along with taking motrin to help with the pain. Is this most likely just a bad cancore sore from food that could have got stuck in my gum or is it a wisdom tooth coming in?

Something wrong with my braces?

i have had my braces on for a while and the gums in a specific area sometimes bleed. i brush and i try to floss but they still bleed in that one area. could the wire be cutting into my gums?

Handicapped Sister?? Advice?

My little sister is handicapped, she has cerebral palsy and characteristics of downs syndrome. She just had the final part of a two part surgery for leg correction in which they removed the plates and screws leaving her with 22 screw holes and 2 slots where blades were inserted. Everything went fine but now she has to stay bed ridden for a few days until she can walk again, and mind you her walking is not good, never has been. But anyways, as she's gotten older she has become increasingly aware of her condition, (she has a full vocabulary and everything, she speaks well and understands) and she's started to say things like "why am I trapped in this body" "Why was I born handicapped" "I'd rather I'd died instead of been born this way." As her older sister, this is hard. I don't know what to say to her anymore, shes almost 15, she's smaller than normal, her legs are a little atrophied, I mean it's obvious that shes different and it seems like shes become very aware of it this year, probably because she just started middle school and you know how kids are. I just want some advice, how do you comfort someone who's never going to get better? How do you explain the 'why' part. Sometimes I find myself asking God the same questions she asks me. I just wish I had an answer. Any advice. So far I have no idea what to say to her. She's always frustrated because she can't do the things we can do. You'd think that after all these years we'd know what to say but even my mom has a hard time giving a good reason. Any advice would be helpful, thanks in advance.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Braces off with spots?

I just got my braces off after years a few days ago and ive just noticed on a couple of teeth that had the metal donuts on that there are brown spots on the inside. the man taking them off said they were the hardest to get off he's ever had. The teeth aren't sore or sensitive at all. they aren't holes either, they just seem to be there and it worries me. What are these spots? they aren't very big, or horribly dark brown. just light brown spots that won't go with brushing.

How much moeny do i need to open a beauty salon?

i want to open a small beauty salon with 2 tretment rooms and 3 mani tables and 2 pedi ho much will i need to get started

Fake nails allowed at MEPS?

I take my ASVAB tuesday and my co worker asked me to go get mani pedis today. Can I wear fake nails to MEPS if they are just french tips nothing outrageous? What about to the physical?

My nails break too easily?

The reason your nails are so brittle is because you're not getting enough calcium. Try taking calcium supplements with your daily vitamins or just drinking more milk!

My dentist gave me silver fillings instead of white, will they fix it?

I was told years ago by my dentist that they don't even use the silver anymore. Only the white. That's bulls*** they did that without discussing it with you. Maybe you can sue them. However I really don't think they can redo it but I may be wrong.

How do you deal with people who show off & seek compliments? Why do they do this?

They want attention, don't pay them attention. Don't answer those texts just respond with how was your day...ignore that comment.

Solid color mani or colored French tips?

So, my birthday is in a couple of weeks and I am trying to decide if I should just get a regular manicure (one solid color) or a gel French manicure with colored tips? Suggestions?

Would texturizers work on my hair?

im white, but i have very curly, think, unbareable hair. It's never been colored or straightened or anything. but i want to be able to brush it when its dry and wear it down with no products in it, and have it look pretty and normal. What should i do???!!!

Why do people ask inaccurate questions and approve unsatisfactory answers?

All they want is to get points for answering the question, the actual answer they give doesn't matter as these people are just trying to amass enough point as quickly as possible to get moderator status (assuming they still run this ship like that)

Cannibalism in tortoises - HELP?

I'm very sorry for what happened to you keep them separated I can't think of anything else than a lesson we had in biology back in high school when animals kill each other in order to rule ; in nature the weaker go somewhere else in order to not get killed I hope I helped you even a little

Am I really fake and spoiled..!?

Fake is about the way you act not the way you look or what you have and so is being spoiled. It just seems like you are living a pretty good life.

Would you trust this person to groom?

sorry no i wouldn't trust a 15yr old to groom my dogs. does she know how to handle all dogs? some dogs with under coats can't be cut like normal dogs. I know you said you have a yorkie i am just wondering I have two terriers and their groomer said that most terriers they have groomed hate to have their feet touched as mine do would she know what to do? unless i knew her or had a friend use her then no. good luck

Raised Christian but strongly considering converting?

I have become increasingly disenfranchised with Christianity. I know that Islam recognizes previous divine revelations. On the other hand, Jews do not recognize Jesus, and the Christians do not recognize Muhammad; whereas, Muslims recognize Moses and Jesus. In Islam, humans relates with their Lord in all matters and conditions. What advice do you have for someone considering converting?

Can i have some opinions on my short story? (FIRST PARAGRAPH)?

It is a decent start. I agree with the other answers that at first it sounded like a medical report. A bit confusing to the reader, but enjoyed it further on. Good start.

I know peepz will support naruto because of the ninja styles and all that,but do not forget has elemental mani?

who is more powerful between aang and naruto?i know peepz will support naruto because of the ninja styles and all that,but do not forget has elemental manipulation+quintencseince(life energy) which is an almighty power and naruto learned is technique and moves.aang was born with it!THE RASENGAN DRILL IS USELESS SINCE IS A MINOR IMPACT AIR BENDING when aang has become a master air bender.

Help! I lied to my boyfriend about being raped and I don't want to live that lie anymore.?

I felt a bit pressured for sex. I mean, I knew what I wanted sexually, and sometimes I wasn't afraid to show it, but I didn't want him thinking I was a slut. More so, I didn't feel like doing it quite yet and I felt a bit pressured. So, I said I was raped in the past, hoping that he wouldn't think I was a slut and so that he would back off a bit. We haven't had sex yet, but the topic is being brought up again, and I just do not want to be this way anymore - I am a virgin and wish for him to know that. How do I bring it up? Is there any way to make him "forget" what I said? Like somehow brush it off that he wasn't listening? I know it sounds bad but at the time, I felt pressured and didn't know what to do.

Should you respond back to a "misery loves company" text?

Some people are just self centered. Don't take it personally. So what if she is trying to make you jealous or curious. Respond only when she asks you something, but I wouldn't be rude or anything. She may not be aware that she's being this way. It sounds like you need a break from her. Give yourself one. "Lose" your phone for a few days.

B16a2 turbo neeed help!!!?

So im planning on boosting my b16a2... Was wondering how reliable they are with a full tune on a stock block? Ive heard they can handle about 300hp easily but want some insight, I would have a custom made kit, 525 hp precision intercooler, precision turbo 63 trim, tial bov, tial wastegate, ramhorn mani, 550 cc injectors, walboro 255 fuel pump and full hondata tune.. If not I will do rods, pistons, and block guard... thank you!

What is wrong with me lately?

I feel like my hormones have gone totally out of wack. I've had a lot of stress the past year with my parents splitting and A Levels, but now things are starting to get better. My exams are over, the parents stuff is a lot better even though it still hurts me when I stop to think about it and I have uni coming up soon which I'm really excited about. However, I feel like something's gone wrong somewhere. My moods are literally SO bad. My mum and best friend brought up my mood swings the other day and that's when it properly hit me. The tiniest things make me absolutely furious and make me over think everything. The other day, this girl said she could no longer see me the next day due to her family coming down and I managed to get in an argument with her and delete her as a friend on facebook. It seemed completely rational at the time, but the next day I was like WHAT?! Why did I just do that? I completely couldn't justify my actions and couldn't understand myself. I feel like crying over everything and swear and use the c word when things piss me off. Even dropping toast on the floor, I shouted out swear words and slammed a door. I've been getting offended and hurt by the smallest things, like if my friend doesn't text me for a day I think they hate me. My periods have been getting increasingly worse each time since 2011 started (also heavier and worse cramps), but my moods have never been THIS bad. But they are literally out of control and I feel like it for longer (nearly 3 weeks I've been this way now). What is wrong with me? :/

What does it mean when a guy asks you eat no meat?

Okay so I have been a vegetarian most of my life but increasingly when I am talking to people...... more so guys and I say I am a vegetarian, their reply is "really you eat no meat at all ever" but they have a smile on their face and normally laugh after words.

How to disinfect hairbrush ?

My friend was over and I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was using my hairbrush and I'm kind of hygienic is their anyway I can disinfect my brush?

What color nails would look nice on tan skin tone?

Im an olive skin tone and I'm getting a mani and pedi tomorrow and I was wondering what color would look nice. Any suggestions?

French manicure and pedicure?

If you don't get fake nails they just paint them on - light pink for the base, white on the tips (but you can ask for any colors you want). You can get just regular polish which is the easiest and cheapest. I also recently got a French mani with this stuff called gelish. It's kind of like shellac. It's thicker than regular polish and it's supposed to last longer, but in return it's alot harder to take off yourself. I took mine off myself with pure acetone but it took a lot of time and scraping and a little bit of my nail got peeled off with it on a few fingers, so if you get anything other than regular polish I would advice just going back to the salon to get it taken off. As for the time, it'll probably take at least an hour to get both. It really just depends on the wait and how much they do for the mani/pedi. Hope this helps!

How do I get past my disgust?

It could be a medical issue rather than just a disgusting habit. Perhaps he should go to a doctor and arrange to have an endoscopy done as it sounds like he has gastric reflux. If not treated, it can develop into something more serious.

So... now that the "Golden Generation" is almost retired (Thank god)...?

tough 1, i guess i would say ashley cole but for club level, i say gerrard, its actually exciting when they all retire, we're gonna see a new generation like wickham, sturridge, adam johnson, hart, also what about michael owen, he was part of that team, sadly injuries beat his goalscoring form

Am I anorexic? Please help?

You have an eating disorder and are on the road to anorexia although you wouldn't be diagnosed anorexic just now because you are not underweight. This is unhelpful because it makes some people feel they have to be a certain weight to deserve help and a label. I understand that you have a dream weight in your head but the nature of eating disorders is that if you get to that weight you'll realise your life is still the same, worse in fact because you now have a serious illness to cope with. So you make up a new dream weight and the nightmare continues. You need to speak to a therapist and work on your self esteem. A healthy, happy person does not need to be a certain weight to be considered pretty. You are clearly not coping with life just now. If you sort this out now, there is no reason why you won't turn out to be a healthy happy girl. Carry on down this road and you will destroy your future. Believe me, I've been there and lost ten years of my life to the illness and will never have children now as a result. Don't do that to yourself. Get some help.

Question on ovulation, conception and BFP!?

When i found out i was pregnant last time i was 10dpo and i already knew before taking the test my boobs hurt like mad and i was bloated and didn't want to eat (not like me at all lol) i have had a baby before though so i kind of knew the signs sadly i miscarried at aorund 6-7 weeks in March so i am currently ttcing again now so good luck its some positive signs you getting baby dust to you i really hope you get you BFP :o)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Canker sores after tooth extracted?

I had my second to last top molar pulled the other day due to root resorption. I am scheduled for an implant in 2 weeks. It didn't hurt one bit. The next morning I was a little swollen, and there was a little pain where the noNovocaineas injected, but nothing bad. Now, today, the 3rd day, I have this horrible pain, but its not from where the tooth was pulled...I developed these canker sores on the tops of my gums above where the tooth was pulled, but not right next to the extraction site, at the very top of my gums, where it joins my cheek, and there's about 2 or 3 of them. I get them every now and them from trauma to my gums (like if I slip brushing, or stab myself with something I eat-like potato chips, etc) But that's not the case here...I think maybe the dentist's instruments may have done this? They didnt mention that they slipped or that I would develop canker sores. It hurts really bad...but not from the extraction. Is this normal, and what can I do to help them heal faster?

Is this the cause of homosexuality?

If being gay was a choice, why would people be gay then! To feel different, to get picked on by others? They don't choose who they are.

Girls around me suggesting i get mani/pedi?

Do what YOU want to do - my boyfriend would have never gotten a mani/pedi before he met me, but now he actually goes with me once in awhile! There's nothing wrong with being groomed and feeling good about yourself. If you're too self conscious and think it'll look gay, don't do it. I think it's sexy to be hygienic and look clean, so I say go for it.

I'm shocked that I have cavities?

I'm 16 and I went for a check up and cleaning today, after not having gone for about a year and a half. I found out that I had 7 minor cavities D: I was completely shocked. I take such good care of my teeth. I brush 2x a day, floss, rinse, don't eat sugary foods and... I just don't understand. These are the only cavities I've ever had since having adult teeth. Is this normal?

My hair is falling our profusely (after eating disorder) help!?

Folic acid, even though you're not pregnant, is always good for helping to encourage strong hair and nail growth. Maybe buy some of those. If you're unsure, ask your doc first.

Why does my hair tangle easily?

I have thin, fine, straight hair (with a little curl at the ends) a few inches past my shoulders and at school it seems I need to brush it again after every class! I don't brush it THAT much but I do brush maybe five times a day and I know that can be bad for hair. So how does it do that? I'm basically just sitting at a desk for 50 minutes and then all of a sudden it's a little tangly and it's just not neat and smooth. So do you know why? And how can I get neat and smooth hair like most other people? I don't use a lot of products because I want to keep my hair healthy.

Why can you go any distance in a car while the Earth is spinning in the opposite direction?

My theory on this is that the whole earth is spinning and the car is connected to the Earth which in turn means everything about direction is relative. Which brings to my next question that may disprove this theory why can a lane go anywhere while the Earth is spinning the opposite direction. This is increasingly compex Especially when you consider the at a speed of 25000/24 or just over 1000 miles per hour. It just seems to me that the earths rotation effects nothing. Shouldn't we be able to tell with telescopes using some celestial Body as a reference point that we, the earth, is spinning incredibly fast.

Is Muhammed pbuh the most influential person ever if not who is and why?

Find your propaganda wherever you like. The truth however is as simple as Muhammad and all Muslims claim Jesus, no Jews or Christians claim to follow Muhammad, kind of makes Hart's list sort of nonsensical doesn't it? Hart believed that Muhammad's success (monitary) in life was a reason to believe him influential so Hart's criteria was faulty.

Men, please answer- Unhappy Wife?

I have been married for about a year and I am feeling increasingly more depressed. I don't really have anyone to talk to about it, and I would just like some advice. My husband is a seasonal worker, and when he is home, he gets so lazy and all he does all day (literally, ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT) is play video games on his computer. He is pretty much in another world. I feel like I am annoying him when I ask him to spend time with me, and he only spends time with me if he wants a "break" from playing his video games. I am so bored at home because I don't have hobbies, I am an active person and I love to go out and do things away from my house, but I don't want to do everything by myself. Am I being unreasonable by thinking that he should try to spend more time with me? We are about to have a child and I'm worried about what kind of father he will be. I am thankful that he loves me and provides for me, but I just don't feel happily married. I would appreciate any adivce.

Candy is stuck in my braces and on my tooth?

go to your dentist or orthodontist and have it taken doing it will cause damage or pull out braces.Leaving it in will cause tooth decay.Do it ASAP

Dentistry question.. can bad teeth make you feel like this..?

can bad teeth (rotten, cavity, ETC) make you feel faint, dizzy alot, or make u sick.? im asking because i have bad teeth for about a year now i do brush but it never really helped lol. yes iknow ur probably thinkin ewww but as a kid i didnt brush i was a very lazy child lol but i started possibly too late so can bad teeth cause those symptoms.? also can bad teeth cause anxiety or depression?

What is the best way to wash your hair with feather extensions.?

okay, so i'm getting feather extensions this week and i'm not sure how i should wash my hair. i'm like scared ill rip them out or ruin them. I'm also scared like they will clump together and get tangled. also when i get out of the shower i wrap my hair in the towel.. would that be a bad idea to do with the feather extensions in? Also should i be careful when i brush my hair, because i'm very OCD about my hair being brushed. Pleasee help me! hahaa

Why can you go any distance in a car while the Earth is spinning in the opposite direction?

My theory on this is that the whole earth is spinning and the car is connected to the Earth which in turn means everything about direction is relative. Which brings to my next question that may disprove this theory why can a lane go anywhere while the Earth is spinning the opposite direction. This is increasingly compex Especially when you consider the at a speed of 25000/24 or just over 1000 miles per hour. It just seems to me that the earths rotation effects nothing. Shouldn't we be able to tell with telescopes using some celestial Body as a reference point that we, the earth, is spinning incredibly fast.

Sex and vibraters? Girls?

About the toothbrush.. uh idiot i dont use it to brush my teeth with.. lol & the reason i use the tooth brush is because when i was younger and had know way of buying a real vibrater i found that to work jus fine.. & now im jus use to it and don`t wanna get a real one.. sorry if you think thats weird thats your opinion.

Good men DO finish last?

according to her, her ex husband was inconsiderate, lazy, uncaring, selfish, controlling and mentally abusive. She suffered molestation as a young girl by her mother's then boyfriend at the time aswell as by a bus driver. Her mother dealt with the situation. She and her mother were really close. Her mother passed away during her study for her master's. To this day she still morns her at's been a little more than 1.5 years since her divorce and about 9 years since her mother's passing. She and I have dated for 4 months and I have tried to be understanding and sensative. I did many little things for her to show that I care and am considerate. I made myself available to her whenever she needed me. when she was stressed, i gave her a spa day to get massaged, pedi and mani just to give her a chance to relax. when she was in a financial bind, i made myself available and helped her with her truck repairs. I was a gentleman the entire time we've dated. chivolry is something that I beleived in and something she initially appreciatd and I made sure to show her that I appreciate and care for her. I was a man of action and would rather let her see my affection rather than fill her head with empty and vain promises. During the four months we've struggled with communication, mainly it was me being me and her not understanding. Random acts of kindness she viewd as threatening or controlling. I deliverd flowers to her door step and she rebuked me for doing so. when she told me how she cant pay for truck repairs and etc, i showed up to her home to give her a blank check to help with repairs....she thanks me....only to rebuke me later. When i shared intimate conversation with her, expressing my feelings, ideas and thoughts, she twisted my words and meaning and would use personal pit falls in my life as ammunition against me when we argue (i.e. some years ago i crossed the friendship line w/ a best friend which went sour and ruined a good frienship...) But I was patient. I tried to be patient. I figured that if I give her real. treat her like a real man is suppose to treat a real woman, she would come around and realize that i'm not here to hurt her......the past two weeks she has been distant towards me, convo was strained and when i send a text letting her know i'm thinking of her and would like some kind of attention from her, she ignored or down played my request. last friday we had a long talk which I thought was great bc it ended in her asking for a kiss. I felt that we were making head way. the next dy we go to the movies and I then noticed her being distant again as if she didnt want to be there w/ me.....sunday i tried inquiring about what was wrong and making it obvious that i'm bothered by her distance....she snapped on me. told me how she is w/ a friend and for me to respect she has company and stop texting her. i left her alone. gave her space. I show up to the place that we work, to walk her to her truck, like i have in the past. it was almost 10pm at night and it was raining, heavily. She acted as if I wasnt even standing there. chatted w/ her co workers, never once acknowledging my presense....walked to her truck carrying her things and then shut the door in my face. i wanted to talk.....she obviously didnt. I sent her a text asking why is she treating me as if I did something wrong to her. her only reply was to stop texting me and leave me alone....this went on bc i demanded to know why. i wasnt just gonna sit and be treated like this and not know the reason. she never gave me a reason but began insulting me (by saying "something is wrong with you") and threatening "saying she called the police", all because i texted her "why are you acting like this?". i'm beyond confused and this feels like a dream/nightmare. i woke up this morning and confirmed that by reading her text again that this is very real. The funny thing is that people here at work and in the community bragged to me about how strong of a christian woman she is, how positive of a person she is, how great of a woman she would be for me....continuously....and you know what? I don't see it. Who I thought i've known the past 4 months and who this person was last night, are two totally different people....i gave her my heart. and in return she gave me her *** to kiss. and she acted as if she didnt care.

With Brown, Blair, Cameron and Clegg all now proven liars is this now an acceptable practice for politicians?

We all know that politicians are increasingly being proven as liars, embezzlers and cheats, the British electorate don't seem to care about this, so is this now just acceptable behavior?

Why do some men marry despite the anti-male bias they face?

They get love blind and find out the hard way that a women doesn't feel the same way when they say they love them. Women seem to be able to fall out of a love a lot easier.

Does everyone on Yahoo who answers questions ever research anything?

Is this a site that is so critical the answers must be researched.I do appreciate those that do,but it's not that critical.At least to me!

How to tell someone to brush their teeth..?

POLITELY. he asked me out, and the only thing is his teeth look kinda.. grimey.. only sometimes though. but how do i politely tell or hint for someone to brush their teeth.. LOL

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My 12 year old is growing up to fast. . .?

She wears a bra, shaves her legs, got her eyebrows waxed, watches PG-13 movies, has had a boyfriend, and has been spray tanned, and gets mani pedis all the time, she also has a phone, laptop, iPod, and travels alone. . . Any help ideas?

How often to get a mani/pedi? and do you think u find it attractive u see a guy getting 1?

Usually once every 2 weeks for up keeping and no, if you say your toes are ugly, then hey why not? My uncle gets his nails done, but only in clear and must say it looks really nice :)

My 13 year old cat has recently begun to lose weight and she has become increasingly lethargic.?

In the past two weeks she was started to sleep for 15-20 hours a day, and she has lost around 2 pounds. She still eats about the same, maybe a little less but she doesn't appear to have any trouble eating her food, no tooth or gum problems. In the past she has become extremely agitated while visiting the vet so I'm not quick to take her there in her elderly state. I love her dearly and just want to make sure she is comfortable while I have her with me. Is there anything you can suggest that I can do to make sure she is the happy kitty I love?

Another braces question lol?

you're only 14. I got my braces when I was 16 and I don't get them off until I'm 18. I mean its better to get them now than when you're in your 20s or 30s, right? don't worry about the age thing, everyone, regardless of age has them nowadays. if you wanna be sure to get your braces off on time or maybe even early then make sure you follow every instructions your orthodontist gives you...especially if you have to wear rubber bands or an expander. also avoid eating anything that could break the brackets off.

How should I change my hair up?

You should dye it jet black with a red streak in the front on your bangs so if you have your hair up yoi can just put the red streak up. Try a messy bun or maybe some crazy waves. Youtube has lots of videos on how to styl your hair for a cute gothic look. That should help.

What is the best thing to do?

first of all I wouldn't have had a baby with someone that I was fighting with. If he breaks up with you sue his *** for child support. Don't make the government pay for the kid.

Why do I forget people the more I look into their face?

Probably, if you are 'staring' at their pictures, you are slowly taking the time to focus on various points on their face, rather than gazing upon the whole of their features. Perhaps by doing so, you are not visually combining the various parts of their faces, and thus, it seems like you are not looking at someone you know.

I have had a tooth ach for about 2 days how do i make the pain stop for a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

There is orajel that you can use. But, that only lasts for so long. That will numb your mouth where you put the orajel at.

Where can I get some discount opi polishes?

Lots of people say that they got polishes by opi on sale or for a good deal. I'm not sure where. Not online though. Does anyone know good stores that you can go to that has good opi deals or do i nee to go to a local mani pedi salon?

How much do American Alsatians shed?

It's an American German Shepherd!!... (right) People obviously don't know that that's their name in some countries. I have two who shed a lot. The shorter fur sheds more than longcoats because the longcoats don't have an undercoat. It definitely can be managed by brushing the dog everyday. Buy a furminator! They can be pricy but are absolutely worth it. They shed mostly during season changes, especially spring, but can be managed. You will still see fur around the house. It is worth it in the end because they are such great dogs!! Good luck!!

How do I stop my nephew from taking advantage of my elderly mother?

He's 26 and attending community college. She's 86 and loves him dearly. He uses her place like a crash pad and has been treating her like an ATM machine--to the tune of 500-plus dollars a month. He hasn't accepted student loans, smokes pot, and hasn't even tried to get a part-time job. He does have low self-esteem and apologized when I confronted him about the massive "loans" (to the tune of thousands of dollars now).. However, I don't know how to stop him from abusing my mother's great love for him. His father--my brother, isn't in the picture, and my mother isn't capable of saying "no" to him. However, she's not made of money, and even if she's not fully financially savvy or able to see what's wrong with this picture, she's in great physical health for someone her age, could live well into her 90s, and will need her income. Even worse, I foresee this escalating as he seems to be increasingly dependent on her largess. No, I don't think I can get her declared mentally incompetent, and don't want to take such extreme measures, but I just don't know how I can get the nephew to change what strikes me as predatory habits. Any suggestions?

How is this for a concept .. take it seriously.. two words?

Destroy all Humans? makes me think...hmm corporate journalism....probably a good thing if someone called "Destroy all Humans" doesn't like it....

Why are my gums bleeding?

I have good teeth and am regularly at the dentist, so why are my gums bleeding? Do certain foods cause it? I electric brush and floss - so don't know why they are.

I just adopted an adult cat who was very attached to the last owner. How can I help him adjust?

Bribe the cat with food. Play with it a lot. My dog was attached to his owner but we got him to like us by playing with him and feeding him. Give the cat cat nip sometimes, they love it. Get the cat neutered when he adjusts a little. But if he starts to spray, NEUTER HIM IMMEDIATELY. Their spray smells disgusting and it will really upset your other cat.

Cost of getting nails painted at salon (in WA state)?

I know my mom gets it for $12.00 in texas, dunno about wa sate, probably around the same? answer mine?

Is an inch of toothpaste okay to swallow?

I was brushing my teeth a little while ago an i put around an inch, maybe an inch and a half of toothpaste on the brush. Usually after you're done brushing, you spit and you see most of it come back out. I didn't see around an inch come out, I only saw a little and saliva. So I may have swallowed some, I'm not 100% sure. But I was just wondering if it's only harmful if you swallow a massive amount like an entire tube or even half the tube?

Hinduism: Where is Mani Dvipa to be found, is celebration of Navratri auspicious time for seekers?

So at last you have deluged from your heart on Maa. Ok There are 4 Navratris. May I know to which form of shakti to be celebrated this month. ( I hope only may 15 to June 15 not now ).

How to subdue a cat for brushing?

i have a long hair that will NOT let me brush him. He's getting bad matts and an "issue near the tail", and i can't afford the bill for a pro to do it.

I think I'm depressed but unsure, I need help?

I went through the same thing and didn't have the sense to take action. I even tried to commit suicide. You should seek medical help. Speak to your doctor. Immediately. Before it gets any worse. x

Is there a way to get around giving 60 days notice?

Tough question! Maybe you could offer them some sort of service on the house you're renting, before giving it back to them... At least that would save you some money if they accept. That's just being very hopeful though, best thing to do is talk to management. Either way though you'll probably wind up paying another extra month. Hope I'm wrong for your sake. Good luck, hope all turns well! ;)

How do you handle a family member who's constantly seeking compliments?

-Start being 100% HONEST with Them -and they'll start thinking TWICE about asking you, in the First Place !! ;)

2 year old and brushing teeth?

I started brushing my daughters teeth when she first got her 2 teeth. I brushed with flouride free toothpaste and now i found out that she has cavities. (shes 2 years old) I started brushing with flouride tooth paste. But i cant get her to spit it out at times, she likes to swallow it at times. But what i want to know is it really bad for her to swallow it.? I use a little tooth paste every time. What can happen if she swallows it?

How can I kiss this girl who's used to kissing?

Ok, there's this girl who likes me and I like her. She's kissed guys before, but I've never kissed anyone. I have no idea what so ever. Is there a certain way to do it? A technique that the pro's use. lol I do not know what to do at all. All I know is I'm going to brush my teeth an extra 5 minutes every day just in case. Can somebody help me?

Two teenage girls looking for an adventure in a pretty boring town. SUGGESTIONS?!?

Wow.. umm... if you guys have a Roller Rink i don't see how that won't be fun but i don't know if you have one lol.

Where can I find a hair brush with hardwood pins?

I keep finding hair brushes with bamboo pins. I want the pins to be made of some kind of hardwood like olivewood.

I've started my story but I dunno how to carrie it on. Any Idea's?

Step one: learn basic grammar rules, how to spell, etc. once you've accomplished this, I'm sure that the secret to "carrie-ing" on your unoriginal pile of drivel will probably just come to you!

Has Zoloft worked for you or anyone else? if not, any other suggestions..?

for the past year i have become increasingly depressed, not wanting to get out of bed and sometimes i just simply do not care about life and i feel just unhappy. for the past months on the other hand i have been doing things to try and better myself and make myself feel better, but nothing is working. i do things like walk a lot and eat way healthier, and yes this all did to temporary relief but at the end of the day i just feel like crap, and most days i don't even wanna leave my room. so my last resort for my happiness is an antidepressant. my friend was on zoloft.. but i want one that is good and that's the only one i've seen work. i just need to see the silver lining more, and i need this boost. HELP? <3

What does it mean when a 3rd degree burn, which happened 4 years ago, begins to have a rash on it?

My dad got burned 4 years ago in a grilling accident and suffered 3rd degree burns on his arm. Recently he's been complaining about it itching and everyday the bumps get increasingly worse. He says it doesn't hurt...just itches.

Nail polish bottle thing?

Could you clean of the brush part of the nail polish top thing and use it in a different color or would that mess it up?

Charity Bags.....Are they Genuine Charities?

If these bags make you uncomfortable then don't use them. Take the things to a local charity shop yourself if you can or ask a neighbour to help perhaps. The alternative is to take your things to a boot sale and try to recoup some money to ease things for your own family. Sorry to seem mean but charity begins with looking after your family.

Cavities in a 2 year old?

All of my five kids started seeing the dentist at about one or one and a half. We brushed (and they do on their own now) their teeth regularly and flossed daily. None of my kids had any cavities until one of my twins just recently. They are identical in every way, they eat the same, they brush their teeth with the same type of toothbrush and paste and at the same time. They don't drink soda, kool-aid or tea. They have the same diets and dental routines but one has perfect teeth with no cavities and the other has cavities on both sides of her mouth and even has a little bit of nerve damage on one of the teeth. Our normal pediatric dentist doesn't fix cavities on children that young and referred us to an pediatric oral surgeon about an hour away. This is because they usually want to sedate and use laughing gas on children this young to eliminate any fear later on in life and so that they are not traumatized. The side effects of sedation are minimal to the damage that can be done to the nerves if the cavities go without being delt with, even though they will loose them eventually. Don't get yourself down, our dentist told us that some kids just have bad teeth, and some kids can go without brushing and have no problems. As long as you are keeping her teeth clean and limiting the sugary drinks that can coat her teeth and just stay there, you are doing great. One of my daughters issues may be that they drink soy milk, which can be very sweet, but the dentist still told me that there are kids that just have bad teeth. Make sure you prep your daughter lots before the appointment. The thing that scared my kids the most was the size of the dentist chair and when it lay ed all the way back flat. Good luck

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are there any manga with characters who...?

love the main character but do not show it? like they do show it but brush it off and call the main character stupid?

My best friend is thinking of quitting his job and it makes me feel good. HELP!?

I get it. You ant you friend to do everything you do. If you both can't do something neither should. Its how friendships work. In thi case no offense your kinda wrong. Its good he'll quit for you, he cares, but don't let him. Show him you care and get over yur problems with him having work.