Friday, July 15, 2011

Am I anorexic? Please help?

You have an eating disorder and are on the road to anorexia although you wouldn't be diagnosed anorexic just now because you are not underweight. This is unhelpful because it makes some people feel they have to be a certain weight to deserve help and a label. I understand that you have a dream weight in your head but the nature of eating disorders is that if you get to that weight you'll realise your life is still the same, worse in fact because you now have a serious illness to cope with. So you make up a new dream weight and the nightmare continues. You need to speak to a therapist and work on your self esteem. A healthy, happy person does not need to be a certain weight to be considered pretty. You are clearly not coping with life just now. If you sort this out now, there is no reason why you won't turn out to be a healthy happy girl. Carry on down this road and you will destroy your future. Believe me, I've been there and lost ten years of my life to the illness and will never have children now as a result. Don't do that to yourself. Get some help.

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