Thursday, July 14, 2011

Good men DO finish last?

according to her, her ex husband was inconsiderate, lazy, uncaring, selfish, controlling and mentally abusive. She suffered molestation as a young girl by her mother's then boyfriend at the time aswell as by a bus driver. Her mother dealt with the situation. She and her mother were really close. Her mother passed away during her study for her master's. To this day she still morns her at's been a little more than 1.5 years since her divorce and about 9 years since her mother's passing. She and I have dated for 4 months and I have tried to be understanding and sensative. I did many little things for her to show that I care and am considerate. I made myself available to her whenever she needed me. when she was stressed, i gave her a spa day to get massaged, pedi and mani just to give her a chance to relax. when she was in a financial bind, i made myself available and helped her with her truck repairs. I was a gentleman the entire time we've dated. chivolry is something that I beleived in and something she initially appreciatd and I made sure to show her that I appreciate and care for her. I was a man of action and would rather let her see my affection rather than fill her head with empty and vain promises. During the four months we've struggled with communication, mainly it was me being me and her not understanding. Random acts of kindness she viewd as threatening or controlling. I deliverd flowers to her door step and she rebuked me for doing so. when she told me how she cant pay for truck repairs and etc, i showed up to her home to give her a blank check to help with repairs....she thanks me....only to rebuke me later. When i shared intimate conversation with her, expressing my feelings, ideas and thoughts, she twisted my words and meaning and would use personal pit falls in my life as ammunition against me when we argue (i.e. some years ago i crossed the friendship line w/ a best friend which went sour and ruined a good frienship...) But I was patient. I tried to be patient. I figured that if I give her real. treat her like a real man is suppose to treat a real woman, she would come around and realize that i'm not here to hurt her......the past two weeks she has been distant towards me, convo was strained and when i send a text letting her know i'm thinking of her and would like some kind of attention from her, she ignored or down played my request. last friday we had a long talk which I thought was great bc it ended in her asking for a kiss. I felt that we were making head way. the next dy we go to the movies and I then noticed her being distant again as if she didnt want to be there w/ me.....sunday i tried inquiring about what was wrong and making it obvious that i'm bothered by her distance....she snapped on me. told me how she is w/ a friend and for me to respect she has company and stop texting her. i left her alone. gave her space. I show up to the place that we work, to walk her to her truck, like i have in the past. it was almost 10pm at night and it was raining, heavily. She acted as if I wasnt even standing there. chatted w/ her co workers, never once acknowledging my presense....walked to her truck carrying her things and then shut the door in my face. i wanted to talk.....she obviously didnt. I sent her a text asking why is she treating me as if I did something wrong to her. her only reply was to stop texting me and leave me alone....this went on bc i demanded to know why. i wasnt just gonna sit and be treated like this and not know the reason. she never gave me a reason but began insulting me (by saying "something is wrong with you") and threatening "saying she called the police", all because i texted her "why are you acting like this?". i'm beyond confused and this feels like a dream/nightmare. i woke up this morning and confirmed that by reading her text again that this is very real. The funny thing is that people here at work and in the community bragged to me about how strong of a christian woman she is, how positive of a person she is, how great of a woman she would be for me....continuously....and you know what? I don't see it. Who I thought i've known the past 4 months and who this person was last night, are two totally different people....i gave her my heart. and in return she gave me her *** to kiss. and she acted as if she didnt care.

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