Monday, July 18, 2011

Is this workplace harrassment?

I work overnight on a mental health unit. Recently, my manager use still photos from surveillance cameras mounted on the unit and laid them in the employee common area to highlight no-nos for employees. There were comments written such as 'badge not visible', 'no shoes on', 'not compliant with dress code', etc. One of my colleagues removed the photos and complained. I still to this day have not seen them since they were only visible to others while I was off 2 days. Noone has approached me from management to discuss the violations of policy. I am certainly not the only person who goes shoeless at night, or any of the other policy violations, but I find it interesting that they singled me out, seeing that there is a push to get rid of alot of the veteran staff in favor of new blood. There also appears to be an animosity toward me here by the new administration, I may have upstaged the new manager days before by de-escalating a group of clients in a situation that he lost control of. Of legal note: I work in Massachusetts, not sure what the laws here say about this. Also, the cameras are intended to protect staff and clients in the event of a restraint, but increasingly have been used to 'catch' staff in policy violations. The video feed goes to the main hospital; we are a satellite 60 miles away.

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