Monday, July 11, 2011

How to treat bunions w/o surgery?

I know exactly how you feel! I used to suffer with a horrible bunion :( but i found a miracle product!!! it's called the bunion aid. what it does is it somehow aligns your toe so that the bunion is corrected and it also provides cushioning. it looks sort of like a toe splint and it is pretty good quality. it is sort of pricy (about 70 dollars) but it honestly worked for me. within a month i forgot completely about my bunion. It's been about a year now since my bunion was corrected and I haven't had any troubles at all with pain or anyone noticing. It does decrease the size a lot but it does not completely go away. mine is definitely not very noticeable anymore. the splint itself is white and sort of bulky. you can wear it with sneakers or covered up shoes. but you do not need to wear it 24/7. it is actually recommended that you only wear it a certain amount of hours a day. i ended up wearing mine pretty much all the time because it helped so much. Now i don't wear it at all! I would completelyy recommend the bunion aid because it changed my life :) i assume that it works differently for everyone but from my experience it worked so i think its worth a shot! GOOD LUCK!!

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